Writing Thoughts, Part 1
This is kind of just spit-balling, me putting into words some thoughts of late, some patterns I've noticed in the stories I'm currently pushing out. A problematic feature, and the one I aim to axe going forwards, is that which exists in both Sephalla and the New Girl. The problem in question is the existence of chapters that are quite short, and only exist to further the plot. Now you, the reader, may not be of the same taste as I am, but never shall a day dawn where I completely avoid plot as a quality of my stories. Plot, in the realm of smut, is vital . It turns otherwise uninteresting things - sex, lovely as it is, is fundamentally a mundane thing! - into something fascinating. There is a reason that I write the stories I write, and the themes I pursue. In both Sephalla and the New Girl, I would've done better to combine several chapters together. One and two, and three and four, for both of them. They each have these chapters - odd-numbered ones - that set the groundwo...