This Week's Releases (Beginning the 30th of May)
Greetings, my fellow perverts!
This is the last week of the triple free releases, and those that will arrive (excluding Friday's!) have already been given to my Patrons for a week of early access. It was good while it lasted, but alas, far too much stress!
Here's what's coming this week:
Monday the 30th of May: Her Royal Pet, Ch. 4 (Public Release.)
Wednesday the 1st of June: Coach Kyln's Cumdump, Ch. 4 (Public Release.)
Friday the 3rd of June: Mistress Amber, Ch. 2 (Public Release); The New Girl Ch. 7 (Early Access - decided by my Patrons.)
Thank you for your continued interest, kind words, and support.
Big love,
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